Smotherin’ smoothie

So Christmas is fast approaching, the weather is getting all snoodly, exams are almost OVER! (Thank God for that!), yet your still out of ideas for some “christmasy” DIYs you can easily throw around,whip up and ta-da! 

Food is super essential during the festive season. There’s a lot of moving, visiting, loads of activities, plus this is the time we get to eat the stuff our parents flex us with during the “normal days”. So, yeah, considering we need to be filled after every three seconds like that  (LOL) we’ve got to get some face stuffers.

Today’s recipe is a simple and delicious, filling smoothie that you can make for yourself or surprise your friends and family with (but remember after this, your mum will get you to do stuff you don’t even have a clue about…)

Ready? Let’s get started!

So basically, all you need are;              

  • Your choice of fruit or berry (I’m using mango, watermelon and pineapple )
  • Yoghurt
  • A clean blender  


  •  Cube and freeze fruits in separate bags (I freeze them overnight)
  • For a duo tone, Place cubed pineapples and watermelon  in the blender first,add a scoop of yoghurt and blend
  • Do the same with the cubed mango,add a scoop of yoghurt and blend
  • Pour first the pinemelon smoothie, then the mango on top or vice-versa.

    (For a triple threat,blend fruits separately then pour, first the pineapple, then watermelon,then mango smoothie!)

    You could garnish the glass with a pineapple wedge or a mangopinemelon kabob 

    Unless you prefer a warm smoothie, cubing and freezing your fruits will give both a cold and thick consistency  and for multiple colour layout, more colourful fruits can be added!    

    This smoothie packs a mean amount of nutrients and it’s super delicious. Don’t only like and comment, try it at home too and let me know how it goes. I’m open to more creative suggestions as well. Thank you!

    Happy reading, happy drinking!

    Love, Kukie.

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